- August 2, 2022
Victoria Grady, associate professor of management, was interviewed by the A Geek Leader podcast where she discussed her new book, Stuck: How to WIN in Business by Understanding LOSS.
- June 17, 2022
“Implementing remote work is really about re-imagining what it means for each and every person to be at work,” says Kevin Rockmann, professor of management, in an interview with BBC on remote work and wellbeing. "Employers need to balance flexibility, giving people the tools they need to remain productive and the social needs of employees."
- May 31, 2022
Dean Maury Peiperl discusses the seven principles for making responsible business leadership effective in EFMD GlobalFocus. “Looking forward – and indeed, looking at history – the best societal business leaders will be masters of coalition-building and the contradictions of “coopetition” (i.e. cooperation with rivals),” says Peiperl.
- May 16, 2022
Having a team where more than one gender is represented is always something that companies should strive for. “In business, you need diverse points of view, you need the benefit of different ways of looking at the world, and I will say I have had better learnings,” Dean Maury Peiperl says an interview with SHESKILLZGLOBAL.
- May 2, 2022
On addressing how to deal with your colleagues’ annoying habits or quirks Suzanne de Janasz, professor of management, says to “use phrases like, ‘Have you noticed?’ or ‘What’s your take?’” so the dialogue can be reframed as a “a joint problem-solving exercise,” in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
- April 2, 2022
Victoria Grady wrote an article for RealLeaders on individual and organizational change, and the challenges of getting unstuck at work.
- March 22, 2022
“At George Mason University, we’re developing a wearable tech solution that would reduce dependence on job coaches and smooth the employment transition for many neurodiverse people,” writes Sarah Wittman, assistant professor of management, along with Vivian Motti, assistant professor in the Department of Information Sciences and Technology, in an article for Employee Benefit News.
- March 7, 2022
Kevin Rockmann, professor of management, along with Erik Dane associate professor at Olin Business School, offer several steps professors can take to revitalize their academic writing in article for AACSB.
- March 2, 2022
"In many cases, especially for services, the economic value of a negotiation depends on the post-negotiation relationship," says Einav Hart, assistant professor of management, along with Maurice Schweitzer, a professor at the Wharton School, in an article for Psychology Today.
- February 22, 2022
“An organization’s ‘duty of care’ can’t end the moment an employee hands in their resignation because safeguarding the well-being of your workforce begins with caring about them as people, not just as employees,” says Sarah Wittman, assistant professor of management, in an interview with HR Morning.