- May 25, 2021
Hear from leaders in government and business with years of dedicated experience and service in cybersecurity, knowledge of what works to prevent and protect from cyber threats, and insights for government and business to be agile in the face of these risks.
- April 22, 2021
Research and development (R&D) is an easy target for cuts when firms face pressure from quarterly earnings. One problem is that firms don't have a metric to benchmark their R&D productivity. Professor Anne Marie Knott, affiliate faculty member for George Mason's Center for Government Contracting, has developed such a metric. Watch this recorded webinar to learn more.
- April 15, 2021
Watch this recorded webinar to learn more about how government and business are approaching an evolving procurement environment.
- March 23, 2021
This two-part webinar presented by the Center for Government Contracting focuses on increasing speed and flexibility in DoD Budgeting. Watch on-demand.
- November 12, 2020
The proper exercise of intellectual property (IP) in government procurement and contracting has become an issue of considerable importance in the Defense Department. In this recorded webinar, experts discuss IP in today’s government contracting marketplace.
- December 3, 2020
Obsolescence is a chronic problem that program managers deal with everyday, and a major and costly challenge for DoD systems. In this recorded webinar, experts in the field discuss a new DoD Instruction meant to manage the problem. and its implications for the entire government contracting community.