- August 23, 2023
Steve Maex, an assistant professor of accounting at George Mason University School of Business, recently received the American Accounting Association (AAA)’s Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award.
- August 18, 2023
At the end of March, the Montano Student Investment Fund hosted "Patriots Day on Wall Street," offering a select group of George Mason University School of Business finance students an enriching experience that included a tour of Wall Street and meetings with various firms.
- August 29, 2023
The RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Success through Entrepreneurship) Program as a cohort of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship's SOAR Initiative. SOAR provides a holistic model for startups and empowers individuals who do not currently have adequate access to entrepreneurship training opportunities. RISE focuses its support on aspiring entrepreneurs from refugee and immigrant backgrounds.
- August 9, 2023
A new "mega-study" consisting of dozens of simultaneous, independently designed experiments shows that competitions have no automatic impact on our morality.
- August 2, 2023
Mason Management Professor Matthew Cronin, highlights two blind spots in our thinking about mental health that are hindering progress toward more mindful workplaces.
- July 26, 2023
George Mason University School of Business boasts more than 60 full-time, research-active faculty across the accounting, finance, information systems and operations management, management, and marketing areas. In addition to pursuing research questions within their area of specialty, many School of Business scholars team up with peers from other disciplines to tackle complex societal problems.
- July 20, 2023
For most people, the term “marketing” is mainly associated with selling products. For academics specializing in the field, however, marketing means something both simpler and much more complex -- the science of communicating value.
- July 17, 2023
U.S. Air Forces Central (AFCENT) formalized a partnership with George Mason University for joint research, rapid capability development, warfighter training, and education to support the mission readiness of the Ninth Air Force.
- July 11, 2023
Each year, selected business schools can nominate up to two students for the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Scholars Program. For another consecutive year, both of the nominees from the George Mason University School of Business were selected for scholarships.
- July 6, 2023
The Master’s in Real Estate Development program provided Charles Dubissette, MRED ’22, with the connections and expertise necessary to successfully launch his own brokerage firm.