- April 3, 2024
Mason accounting professor, David Koo, goes back through history to trace how financial reporting requirements affect investors’ long- vs. short-term thinking.
- January 22, 2024
To stay competitive in the war for talent, tech companies must weigh secrecy against specificity when crafting job ads. Are they disclosing too much?
- January 8, 2024
A Mason professor unpacks the complex, nuanced impact of the “revolving door” between industry and regulators in the accounting world.
- November 6, 2023
With the rise of online learning, cheating has become easier than ever. And perhaps more prevalent as well, suggests one Mason accounting professor.
- October 2, 2023
The economic balance is shifting toward private equity. But accounting scholars are still working from an outdated playbook.
- August 23, 2023
Steve Maex, an assistant professor of accounting at George Mason University School of Business, recently received the American Accounting Association (AAA)’s Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award.
- June 20, 2023
Why are some firms more forthcoming than others about their social and environmental impact? It may have to do with the CEO’s personal incentives.
- May 10, 2023
A Mason professor is the sole academic working with the U.S. government in an unprecedented effort to measure environmental-economic activity.
- April 24, 2023
When next year rolls around, millions of company owners and representatives may be in for a very unpleasant surprise–unless they’re fans of time-consuming paperwork.
- April 19, 2023
The inverse relationship between charity care and trustee compensation highlights curious contradictions in the management practices of some of the biggest non-profit hospitals in the U.S.