Faculty Media Mentions

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Interested in our faculty expertise for an upcoming piece? Contact Benjamin Kessler at bkessler@gmu.edu.

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Our faculty are sought out by the media for their expertise on a variety of topics. 

Here's the latest:

  • December 15, 2021
    How can business schools train the most effective DEI leaders? Cameron Harris, assistant area chair of business foundations; Brett Josephson, associate dean of Executive Development; Benjamin Kessler, research communications and outreach officer; and Christine Landoll, director of business engagement, answer this in an article for AACSB.
  • December 10, 2021
    Sarah Manski, assistant professor, was interviewed on “how cryptocurrency can act as a means for global social change” for Nasdaq.
  • December 9, 2021
    Because of shortages, “smaller retailers might also see more people visit their stores or websites seeking substitutes or alternatives for gifts, [which means], there is an increased opportunity for smaller retailers to win over customers,” Gautham Vadakkepatt notes in an interview with Loudoun Now.
  • December 8, 2021
    Derek Horstmeyer, professor of finance, says that the downside of ETF funds are “that because they trade continuously throughout the day, this encourages investors to trade too frequently. This leads to excess fees, short term capital gains and losses due to trying to time the market.”
  • December 7, 2021
    Stadiums that can become are multi-purpose venues are “investments that brands are willing to make because of the exposure involved,” says George Perry, Business Foundations instructor, in an interview with MarketScale.
  • December 6, 2021
    "In contrast to individual companies enforcing vaccine mandates within their company, government-directed vaccine mandates are beneficial in that they take this decision out of the hands of the retailer and, to a certain extent, level the playing field across retailers," says Gautham Vadakkepatt, director of the Center for Retail Transformation, in an interview with Retail Dive.
  • December 1, 2021
    Remote working has increased, but how has that affected company culture? Kevin Rockmann, professor of management says, “A lazy solution is to jump to an in-between model and try to make everybody happy: the average level of dissatisfaction [with that approach] will be high.”
  • November 29, 2021
    Brad Greenwood, an associate professor of ISOM, co-authored with Mitchell Zamoff of the University of Minnesota and Gordon Burtch of Boston University, new research discovered NYPD body cameras have decreased complaints and arrests.
  • November 27, 2021
    The pandemic has changed the work landscape, many employees are resigning or asking for better pay. Victoria Grady, director of the MS in Management program, says that “the labor market has changed” in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
  • November 19, 2021
    The Center for Government Contracting has won a contract to help the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering review the contracting activities of DARPA. Center Executive Director Jerry McGinn appeared on the Federal News Network podcast to discuss the contract.
  • November 18, 2021
    Jerry McGinn, executive director of the Center for Government Contracting was interviewed by WIRED on Google and its relationship with the Pentagon, and “expects multi-cloud contracts to become common as federal cloud spending grows.”
  • November 16, 2021
    How does cryptocurrency relate to Wall Street? Sarah Manski, assistant professor, says “The entire global economy is moving towards decentralization. The fact that the SEC didn’t raise any objections bodes well for future innovation in the cryptocurrency space,” in an interview with Cryptopress.