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Yes, You Can Quote That
Our faculty are sought out by the media for their expertise on a variety of topics.
Here's the latest:
- August 30, 2023Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer talked to U.S. News & World Report about investing in consumer staple companies.
- August 24, 2023Kevin Matthews, assistant professor of accounting, provided expert commentary to's Bankruptcy Guide.
- August 23, 2023Associate Professor of Accounting Long Chen's research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting was covered in the UK's Management Today.
- August 21, 2023"Small-cap stocks and value stocks are two equity classes that have outperformed other equity classes over the long run," says Derek Horstmeyer, professor of finance at George Mason University School of Business, in an interview with U.S. News & World Report.
- August 21, 2023In an op-ed for The Nation, Brad Swanson, adjunct finance professor, writes, "claims that poverty in America has been eliminated, and that “idleness” is the only barrier to a life of middle-class comfort, would be funny—if they weren’t so dangerous."
- August 18, 2023When confronted with sexist humor at work, women are often left with no good option, explains Mandy O'Neill in an op-ed for Smartbrief.
- August 4, 2023In a column for the Wall Street Journal, Finance Professor Derek Horstmeyer looks at which commodities actually preserve wealth during adverse economic conditions.
- July 31, 2023Einav Hart, assistant professor of organizational behavior in the management department, explains why you should ask sensitive questions in the workplace in The Academic Minute.
- July 28, 2023Professor of Finance Derek Horstmeyer, was interviewed by ABC News about the recently raised interested rates by The Federal Reserve.
- July 26, 2023Accounting Today interviewed accounting area chair and associate professor Long Chen about her research on CEOs and their use of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosures.
- July 12, 2023Information Systems and Operations Management Professor Brad Greenwood was quoted in Poz regarding his research on physician–patient racial concordance.
- July 10, 2023Heather Vough, associate professor of management, and Benjamin Kessler write about how to keep social tension from tearing your team apart in the July 2023 issue of HR Future magazine.