Costello College of Business News
- September 18, 2023When government contractors merge, comparing their customers can predict a lot about how investors will respond to the deal.
- September 15, 2023It’s not the combined skill level of the team that counts, so much as the chemistry (or lack thereof) between the members.
- September 12, 2023When it comes to relationships between co-workers, organizations’ stated priorities must match what’s happening under the hood.
- September 7, 2023George Mason University’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship within the School of Business recently announced the launch of the RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Success through Entrepreneurship) Program as the first phase of the center’s SOAR Initiative this fall.
- September 6, 2023An active board member and past chair of the Accounting Advisory Council at the George Mason University School of Business, A.J. Eschle, BS Accounting ’08, MBA ’12, works with the accounting area to prepare students for the accounting profession and to ensure that the school’s programs are where they need to be.
- September 5, 2023George Mason University School of Business leaders, faculty, alumni, and friends gathered to celebrate the naming of the Greg and Camille Baroni Center for Government Contracting. The Baroni Center is the first university center in the nation to address the business, policy, and regulatory issues surrounding government contracting, a $700 billion industry unique to the Washington, D.C., region.
- August 31, 2023A Mason professor finds yet another example of the value of diversity in senior management teams.
- August 29, 2023The RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Success through Entrepreneurship) Program as a cohort of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship's SOAR Initiative. SOAR provides a holistic model for startups and empowers individuals who do not currently have adequate access to entrepreneurship training opportunities. RISE focuses its support on aspiring entrepreneurs from refugee and immigrant backgrounds.
- August 23, 2023Steve Maex, an assistant professor of accounting at George Mason University School of Business, recently received the American Accounting Association (AAA)’s Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award.
- August 18, 2023At the end of March, the Montano Student Investment Fund hosted "Patriots Day on Wall Street," offering a select group of George Mason University School of Business finance students an enriching experience that included a tour of Wall Street and meetings with various firms.
- August 9, 2023A new "mega-study" consisting of dozens of simultaneous, independently designed experiments shows that competitions have no automatic impact on our morality.
- August 2, 2023Mason Management Professor Matthew Cronin, highlights two blind spots in our thinking about mental health that are hindering progress toward more mindful workplaces.