New Finance Courses for Spring 2023
FNAN 432-001: Fixed Income Securities
Tues/Thurs 3:00pm - 4:15pm
CRN 21871
Course Details:
This class will have three purposes in mind. The first is to cover as much as possible the body of knowledge for the Fixed Income portion of the CFA Exam. We will cover the structure of the global bond markets, the various classes of fixed income instruments, their pricing and risk analysis, and will conclude with fixed-income portfolio management. The second aim for the course is the introduction of the use of the Bloomberg Terminal, especially as it relates to fixed income instruments and the building of portfolios. And finally, the course aims to create a mock portfolio of fixed income securities or ETF's to represent the Student Managed Fixed Income Fund that is in the planning process and launch at some point in the Spring. Time permitting, experts from industry will be invited for discussions relevant to the day and class topics.
FNAN 444-001: Sustainable and ESG Investments
Tues 4:30pm-7:10pm
CRN 15519
Course Details:
This course asks if there is a trade-off between financial returns and social values, or whether investors really can "do well by doing good." We will examine the large and growing sustainable investment industry and analyze the effectiveness of social investment strategies like ESG (environment, social & governance), impact investing, and negative screening in areas such as fund management and climate transition. We will also go behind the headlines to assess controversies, like “greenwashing” and the claim that ESG is “woke capitalism.” Social investment touches all parts of finance and is rapidly generating many new jobs. This course is taught by an adjunct professor who manages a socially responsible private equity fund, Brad Swanson. Prospective students should feel free to contact him at
FNAN 454-DL1: Real Estate Development
Online: Mon/Wed 5:55pm-7:10pm
Course Details:
This experience-based class will teach how to evaluate the risks and returns of different types of commercial real estate investment and development projects. Students will serve as fund associates of Patriot Real Estate Funds, a $2 million student-managed real estate investment fund which owns and invests in commercial properties in the metro Washington, D.C. area. Students will interact with industry professionals, including property site visits.